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Got a burning question?

If you can’t find the answer in our website you will probably find it here in our Frequently Asked Questions. We will update this list regularly but if you do not see what you are looking for drop us a message.

Remember the only stupid question is the one you don’t ask.


"I've haven’t done an adventure race before and the whole all day thing is a little overwhelming... where do I start?"

You don't need to be super-human to do an expedition adventure race. Average people compete in these races and do well. The best advice we can give is to train consistently - in all events. (Hint: endurance training). Do most of your training off road and practise racing at night. You need to train with your teammates and get to know each other's strengths. When you race, decide on a common team goal. Remember, it isn't necessarily the strongest person that wins an adventure race, it is usually the team that works together the best - this sport is as much about your brain as it is your body.


"What is the most important piece of gear used in expedition adventure racing?"

Due to the diversity of terrain, unpredictable nature of the weather and the different activities you will be taking part in there is no single piece of equipment that is most important. Spend time working through the mandatory gear list. Nine times out of ten it will never be used but your safety is dependent on these items in an emergency situation. Comfortable shoes/boots and fresh socks are always a lifesaver. It's hard to finish a race when your feet are covered with blisters. Also, don’t buy the cheap gear. Having an item fail on you mid race late at night is not something you want to have happen.


"Do we need to have the whole team sorted before we register or can I sign up a partial team?"

You can sign up before you have all of your teammates but we need to know your final roster a minimum of one month prior to the race. We wouldn’t leave this too long as you need to spend time training with your team mates. The best adventure racing teams have a very close bond and work with each other’s strengths and weaknesses.


"Can I bring more gear than what is on the Mandatory Equipment List?"

Sure you can - the list provided is a minimum requirement. As long as it isn't a banned item, like GPS, it should be fine. If you are in doubt, ask the Race Director before the event. If it's something wild that goes against the spirit of the race, you'll probably be asked to put it away. Just remember you have to carry it on it has to fit in your gear boxes. We strongly advise practicing packing before race week and get used to racing with a full pack.


"Talk to me about maps”

You will receive all of the maps and instructions you need. They will be topographic maps and have all key features marked on them. Most of the time checkpoints and out of bounds areas will be premarked - sometimes you will need to mark you map set up so bring some sharpies and highlighters with you. If you have never read a map before we suggest you grab one and practice. It is a skill that can be learned. Come race day you are not allowed to bring your own maps - it is against the rules as it may give an unfair advantage.


“How much navigation/map reading will be involved?”

Bad news – the entire course will be based on checkpoints and the team plotting the best route. You will need to be proficient at navigation as well as terrain and map reading.


"Do I need a support crew?"

Wildside has supported and unsupported options. So – good news - you just need to find trusty teammates and we will move your gear from transition to transition or you can find some loving friends to cuddle you at each TA and help you get dressed – your call. If you are racing solo a support crew is mandatory.


"Does the team have to be mixed?”

No! Teams can be all female, all male or mixed. However, aligned with expedition racing across the world we are recognising mixed teams and pairs as the premier category.


"What sort of water will we be paddling in and what sort of boats are we using?”

You will on either flat water, lakes and rivers; it wouldn't be any fun if we told you anymore detail before the race. We provide stable high-quality plastic kayaks or you can bring your own (but you will need a support crew!). For some races there may be alternative paddle craft as optional or mandatory - such as packrafts.


“How long will the course be?”

All distances may vary depending on your route choice. This is why you need to keep your wits about you and prepare for plenty of decisions throughout the race. Sometimes the quickest route on the map may not be the easiest route. A leg at night may take twice as long as the same one during the day.


“Will there be food or water on the course?”

There will be water at each transition. Capacity to carry at least 2 litres of water is a part of your mandatory gear list. There will be some shops along the course however they may not be open when you pass them. You need to plan you nutrition strategies carefully and pack your gear crates accordingly.


"Is there an age limit?"

For WildsideAR racers must be 16 or older on the start day. However, if you have a younger racer wanting to race touch base with us so we can discuss options.


“Are there cut-off times?”

We have designed the course to get everyone home and this may involve short course options. In the interests of safety of staff and racers some parts of the course will have cut offs. Details will be explained during the pre-race brief.


“Will the course be marked?”

This style of adventure racing involves no course markings. You will need to have your wits about you as how you move across the course will depend on how good your navigation and map reading is.


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