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Right off the bat, please accept, with our deepest congratulations, that you will be cold, wet, hot, sweaty, shivering,

hungry, tied and beat up ....  This is a promise.


Our goal is not to have tons of required gear that you won’t use, and arduous gear checks just for the sake of having gear checks, but we have to balance this out with the fact that this is a long, tough race, much of it some distance from civilization and rescue, in rugged country, through thick forest and rivers, in temps that could range from 5 degrees to over 25 degrees Celsius. Certain pieces of gear may also be required for some of the challenges along the way. There will be time penalties for any missing on team or personal mandatory gear.


There are 3 categories – ‘Suggested’, ‘Recommended’ or ‘Mandatory.’  ‘Suggested’ means just that, and are based on our experience. Ultimately your choice, though “damn fool if you don’t” could apply. ‘Recommended’ can be translated as “up to you, but you may seriously regret not having it.” And, we will admit, there is a certain degree of comfort here, which may or may not appeal to you.  ‘Mandatory' means you must have it.


You will be required to present (and know how to use!) ALL of your gear at Rego/Check-in. If you do not have the Mandatory gear, you will NOT be allowed to race – No Exceptions. Plan this carefully as there are no ‘adventure’ style retail opportunities near race HQ.


A link to the gear list document is below. Once you have read through it if you have any questions send us an email. However, remember we will not be flexible on mandatory gear and none of these items are open for interpretation. Remember, no one ever intends to have an accident, get lost or get injured, but it happens even to experienced racers. Your gear could save your life!


The Mandatory equipment list includes the minimum requirements for safe travel. Teams are free to bring any additional items they feel necessary provided they are not on the forbidden list. Regarding first aid you can decide what you choose to take but remember that what you take/don’t take can make the difference between being comfortable/being able to continue/being alive vs. “the alternatives,” none of which are good.


Forbidden Items
  • Active GPS/Smart Phone (We are requiring teams to take a GPS unit/Smart phone, which we will vacuum seal at registration, that is to be used in case of emergency,  or if requesting an emergency medical evac. If the vacuum seal is broken, or if we can determine that teams have used their cell phones for GPS/direction assistance, you will be DQ’d, which would suck for all of us.)

  • Any motorized equipment or vehicles.

  • Distance measuring devices. Includes pedometers (cycle computers exempt)

  • Mobile phones, radios, other communications or internet access devices etc

  • Maps other than those provided by the organisers (however, you may use other maps and information sources for research purposes prior to the racing)


Fully Rad Adventures is an outdoor event company focused on getting people outside and being more adventurous. It has a team of adventure loving experts focused on creating unique and memorable experiences that will excite, entertain and push the boundaries.


Fully Rad Adventures present safe, well organised world class events for competitors, spectators and stakeholders, that increase awareness and appreciation of the outdoors, protect and promote the natural environment, promote a fit, healthy and active lifestyle, develop strong partnerships and strengthen communities.


Start living your life fully rad - today!




Wildside Adventure Race

Urban Hustle

Blue Mountains Traverse  - BMT

Barrington Tops Traverse - BTT



Double Shot



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©2023 by Fully Rad Adventures

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